Jessica Speiser's Background
Volunteer and Personal Background
I am running for reelection to the Los Altos School District Board of Trustees because I am a strong proponent of public school education. If it weren’t for the strong public school education I received growing up I would not be where I am today. If it weren’t for the support given to me by my family, my teachers, my school’s staff and the community as a whole, there is no way I would be where I am today. With that in mind, I started to give back the moment my oldest was school aged and joined LASD as a 1st grader at Covington in 2011. That year, I hit the ground running by chairing the school’s walkathon. With each year I took on more and more responsibility as I gained more and more experience culminating in joining the LASD Board of Trustees in late 2016:
Academic and Professional Background
To read more about my educational, professional and volunteer background, please check out my LinkedIn profile here.
I am running for reelection to the Los Altos School District Board of Trustees because I am a strong proponent of public school education. If it weren’t for the strong public school education I received growing up I would not be where I am today. If it weren’t for the support given to me by my family, my teachers, my school’s staff and the community as a whole, there is no way I would be where I am today. With that in mind, I started to give back the moment my oldest was school aged and joined LASD as a 1st grader at Covington in 2011. That year, I hit the ground running by chairing the school’s walkathon. With each year I took on more and more responsibility as I gained more and more experience culminating in joining the LASD Board of Trustees in late 2016:
- In 2011, I became Registrar of AYSO Region 43 (until 2015)
- In 2012, I became VP of Fundraising and joined Los Altos Educational Foundation
- In 2013, I became the Executive VP of the PTA
- In 2014, I became a member of the original Facilities Master Plan Committee, PTA President and took on co-chairing the Measure N bond campaign
- In 2015, I continued as PTA President and joined the Citizen's Advisory Committee for Finance and the Citizen's Oversight Committee
- In late 2016, I helped run the successful Measure GG parcel tax campaign
- In late 2016, I ran for election to the Los Altos School District Board of Trustees and joined the Board in December 2016.
- From December 2018-December 2019, I served as the LASD Board of Trustees Board President overseeing a Prop 39 Facilities Process, negotiation for long term facilities solution with Bullis Charter School, the creation, advertising, and implementation of a Community Engagement Process to determine long term facilities solution for LASD and BCS, and the purchase of the 10th Site in Mountain View involving a complex partnership with the City of Mountain View and local developers allowing the District to purchase $155 million worth of land for a total of $28 million.
Academic and Professional Background
- Wellesley College, Class of 1997
- UC College of the Law, San Francisco, Class of 2004
- Admitted to The California State Bar on 12/1/2004
- Criminal Research Attorney for the County of San Mateo, Superior Court
- Most recent past position: Chief Outreach Officer for VoterCircle (now Outreach Circle)
To read more about my educational, professional and volunteer background, please check out my LinkedIn profile here.