The 5/28/19 closed session begins at 5:30pm. The board will reconvene for open session starting around 7pm in the LASD Board Room. The entire agenda and supporting documentation can be found here.
Every year, representatives from each LASD school present at a board meeting. Santa Rita, led by Principal Greg Land, will share how they are "creating peak moments" throughout the school. We have a long list of action and discussion items this week. We have run of the mill end of school year business mixed in with other business that is more unique to this year. It will be a long night, but we will plow through thoughtfully and expeditiously. First off, we will have Jennifer Keicher, LASD's Director of Special Education, present a Special Education Program Update regarding the variety of programs serving the different learning needs of district children. I look forward to her presentation. Next, Mr. Kenyon and members of Citizens Advisory Committee for Finance (CACF) will present their Annual Report. This is a discussion item and no action will be taken. The presentation can be found under agenda item I.2 using the link above. That being said, in the short term, CACF highly recommends:
Then, Randy will Disclose the Proposed Collective Bargaining Agreements with LATA and CSEA. These are discussion items and the disclosures can be found under agenda items I.3 and I.4. I believe, both unions tentatively agreed to no raise for the current school year. The teacher's union (LATA) has tentatively agreed to a 2.5% salary increase for the 19/20 school year and the staff union (CSEA) has tentatively agreed to a 2% salary increase for the 19/20 school year. The disclosures lay out the financial impact the salary increases in the 19/20 school year will have LASD's bottom line. Next, Mr. Baier and a representative from MIG will present the Community Engagement Proposal focused on facilitating a public process for a long term facilities solution for Bullis Charter School and the entire District. This is an action item and the proposal can be found under agenda item I.5. The proposal is well worth a read. The engagement process proposed is unlike anything I have seen the District do in the past and I believe it will lead us to solution a majority of the community can get behind. Furthermore, the engagement process will afford the entire community, if they so engage themselves, to have input. The Board is asked to approve the engagement proposal so that work can start as soon as possible in preparation of full engagement when school starts back up in late summer. Mr. Kenyon will next present Resolution #18/19-16, Establishing a Reconstituted Facilities Master Plan Advisory Committee for Implementation of the Measure N Bond Program. This is an action item and the resolution can be found under agenda item I.6. The Board is asked to approve this resolution to get a Facilities Master Plan Advisory Committee in place for when bonds authorized by the passage of Measure N are finally issued. The committee is a requirement of bond. This resolution would reconstitute the committee and outlines the framework and makeup of the committee. Next up, Randy will present the Summer Facilities Projects on tap across the District. This is a discussion item and Randy's presentation can be found under agenda item I.7. Projects include the placement of portables at Egan for BCS and routine maintenance across the District. If Randy thinks he is going to ever sit down, he is grossly mistaken. He next gets to present the Budget Review Committee's Recommendations. This is a discussion item and their recommendations can be found under agenda item I.8. These recommendations outline cost saving measures the Board could implement in order to not head into deficit spending in the next school year. Lastly, Jeff will present Resolution #18/19-17, Charter School Reform. This is an action item and the resolution can be found under agenda item I.9. The Board is asked to consider adopting this resolution in support of several State Assembly Bills (AB 1505, 1506, 1507) and one Senate Bill (SB 756), all involving charter school reform. Here are synopses of those bills that I found in this article:
Please note, this is just the highlights of what is on the agenda for the 5/28/2019 meeting. You can inform yourself about the rest of the agenda at the link provided above. As always, feel free to email me with any questions. The 5/13/19 closed session begins at 5:30pm. The board will reconvene for open session starting around 7pm in the LASD Board Room (NOT the Covington MPR). The entire agenda and supporting documentation can be found here.
Every year, representatives from each LASD school present at a board meeting. Almond School, led by Principal, Raquel Matteroli, will present this week about teacher professional development and a first grade project. Then, Ms. Elizabeth Leach will present the Social Emotional Survey Overview. This is a discussion item, no action will be taken. Ms. Leach's presentation can be found using the link above under agenda item I.1. Ms. Leach will discuss the development of this new survey and its baseline results. Next up, Mr. Baier will present the signed Two Year Agreement and the Proposed Timeline for Community Engagement. On April 29th, the LASD board approved a two year agreement with the charter school to allow LASD, BCS and the community to work through an open, transparent and thoughtful public process to get a long term agreement. May 3rd, LASD sent BCS an LASD executed copy of that two year agreement. On May 9th BCS sent LASD a BCS executed copy of the same before close of business. The fully executed two year agreement can be found under agenda item I.2. With the agreement signed by both parties, we can now move ahead toward creating a structure for the public process. At this meeting the board will review a proposed high level timeline for community engagement. By the end of the month, staff will have a tighter and clearer picture of the public process to present to the Board for its consideration and approval. The timeline can also be found under agenda item I.2. Lastly, Randy Kenyon asks the board to approve Measure N Citizen's Oversight Committee (COC) Membership Renewals. This is an action item and the list of members to approve can be found under agenda item I.3. The COC is the committee that oversees the spending of the Measure N bonds. It is the duty of the COC to ensure that the District spends the Measure N funds in accordance with bond language. Please note, this is just the highlights of what is on the agenda for the 5/13/2019 meeting. You can inform yourself about the rest of the agenda at the link provided above. As always, feel free to email me with any questions. |
Jessica SpeiserThanks to your support, I joined the Los Altos School District (LASD) Board of Trustees in December 2016. I finished my tenure as Board President after serving as such from December 2018 to December 2019. I am currently Board Vice President. As usual, I will use this blog to continue updating you on upcoming Board meetings and make you aware of upcoming office hours and community events. Archives
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