The Monday, May 16, 2022, LASD Board meeting will start its open session at 7:00pm and live public comments may only be made in person in the LASD Board Room. If you plan to participate in person, wearing a mask is strongly recommended in accordance with SCCPHD and CDPH guidelines. We will continue to use the Zoom webinar platform for community members to follow our meetings at home, but public comment will not be allowed on it. If you cannot attend in person, and have a comment that you would like the LASD Board to consider in its decision making, please email all of us at [email protected] by 5pm on Saturday, 5/14/22. To register to watch the board meeting from the comfort of your home, click here. The entire agenda and supporting documentation for this week's meeting can be found here.
First up on the agenda, Greg Drummond will give an update on Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity in LASD. This is a discussion item and his presentation can be found under agenda item H.1 using the link provided above. As you may recall, we approved an Antibias Framework last Spring. This presentation is meant to give the Board and community an update on how that is being implemented and recommendations for its further implementation. I look forward to Greg's presentation. Next, Marsha Deslauriers, the Executive Director of Community Health Awareness Health Council (CHAC) will provide an update on the services provided by CHAC and what to expect under a 2022-23 CHAC Memorandum of Understanding. This is an action item and there is no presentation to review as of yet under agenda item H.2. My understanding is that there will be one available on Monday. CHAC provides LASD mental health services through trainee therapists at all of elementary schools. Then, Jeff Baier will give a Graduations and Promotions Overview. This is a discussion item and his presentation can be found under agenda H.3. For the most part, graduations and promotions are back to normal this year. The elementary 6th grade promotions will be held outside at each of our 7 individual elementary schools, while Egan's 8th grade graduation will take place at 11am at Egan and Blach's 8th grade graduation will take place at 1pm at Blach. All ceremonies will be held outside and following state and county COVID safe protocols. Randy Kenyon and an environmental consultant will next present the 10th Site California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Process. This is an action item and the environmental consultant's presentation and proposal for services can be found under agenda item H.4. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) done in accordance with CEQA is our next step in the development of a school at the 10th site. The report will look at many different topics that impact environment as it relates to the building of a school campus which include:
Randy will then present a Universal Meals Program update. This is a discussion item and Randy's presentation can be found under agenda item H.5. His latest update is that the District has decided to go with the vendor Revolution Foods to supply our schools with the Universal Meals (free breakfast and lunch for all students who want it). Related to this agenda item, Randy next asks the Board to approve a Resolution to Establish a Cafeteria Special Revenue Fund. This is an action item and the resolution can be found under agenda item H.6. This is required for the District to account for its food service operations. Last, but definitely not least, the Board has another round of Board Policy Updates to discuss. The Board Policies can be found under agenda item H.7. As stated in prior updates, the California School Boards Association (CSBA) frequently advises local school districts on updates and deletions to board policies, bylaws and regulations based on recent changes to Federal and California state law and regulations. Please note, this is just the highlights of what is on the agenda for the 5/16/22 meeting. You can inform yourself about the rest of the agenda at the link provided above. As always, feel free to email me with any questions.
Jessica SpeiserThanks to your support, I joined the Los Altos School District (LASD) Board of Trustees in December 2016. I finished my tenure as Board President after serving as such from December 2018 to December 2019. I am currently Board Vice President. As usual, I will use this blog to continue updating you on upcoming Board meetings and make you aware of upcoming office hours and community events. Archives
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