The 6/19/19 is a special meeting. Closed session begins at 4:00pm. The board will reconvene for open session starting around 5pm in the LASD Board Room. The entire agenda and supporting documentation can be found here.
First up on the agenda is the Purchase and Sale Agreement with Federal Realty. This is an action item and Randy asks that we approve this agreement to purchase the 10th Site. The full agreement can be found under agenda item F.1 using the link above. As outlined in my last blog post, the high level deal terms are as follows:
This is amazing deal for the district to purchase a school site in rapidly growing area of LASD and I look forward to approving this agreement. It is a win win for the LASD and the City of Mountain View placing a school and neighborhood park in an area that lacks such. Next, we will get an update from Mr. Baier and the Project Team as to the work on the Community Engagement Process to date. This is a discussion item and the presentation can be found under agenda item F.2. The presentation includes (1) a draft of the Guiding Principles, (2) buckets of context and history to inform why site scenarios have or have not been considered, and (3) a chronological list of site scenarios considered by the LASD board or the community since the inception of BCS. The Project Team (Staff, Vladimir and I) are asking for Board direction on the Guiding Principles and direction to organize a list of history and context of sites considered and some confirmation of all scenarios publicly considered. Last up, Jeff will present a Memorandum of Understanding with Community Health Awareness Council (CHAC). This is an action item and the MOU/Agreement can be found under agenda item F.3. For years CHAC has provided much needed counseling services at all of LASD's schools and our partnership with them helps with LASD's commitment to health and wellness of each and every student. The Board is asked to approve this agreement. Please note, this is just the highlights of what is on the agenda for the 6/19//2019 meeting. You can inform yourself about the rest of the agenda at the link provided above. As always, feel free to email me with any questions. The 6/10/19 closed session begins at 5:00pm. The board will reconvene for open session starting around 7pm in the LASD Board Room. The entire agenda and supporting documentation can be found here.
We start the evening with three action items that were previewed last week:
Presentations and the actual documents can be found under agenda items H.1, H.2 and H.3 using the link above. As stated, these are action items and the Board is asked to approve them. There is nothing unusual in them, but if you have a couple of hours, read the budget... it is thrilling! :) Next up, the Citizen's Oversight Committee (COC) will present their Annual Report. The COC is the oversight committee of the Measure N bond funds. The COC is charged with ensuring the District uses the bond funds pursuant to the language on the ballot. While the District has not issued the bonds yet, the District did approve a line of credit that will be paid back from proceeds of the bonds once they are issued. The COC and the District's auditor determined the District has been spending according to the bond language, but COC showed concern that the District only spent the bond proceeds so far on portables for the charter school. Then, Randy will present the LATA and CSEA Collective Bargaining Agreements. These are action items and their agreements and impacts can be found under agenda items H.5 and H.6. The board is asked to approve these agreements. Both bargaining units agreed to no raise for the current school year. The LATA agreed to a 2.5% raise for the 19/20 year, while the CSEA agreed to a 2% raise for the 19/20 year, among other things. I know I am very thankful for both bargaining units partnership in this process. Randy will then present the deal terms of the Purchase and Sale Agreement for the 10th Site between LASD and Federal Realty. This is a discussion item and his presentation that contains the terms can be found under agenda item H.7. The major deal terms are as follows:
LASD expects to get the finalized agreement to consider for approval for a special meeting on June 19th. In conjunction with the Purchase and Sale Agreement, LASD must also consider an Exchange Agreement with the City of Mountain View that will memorialize Mountain View's purchase of a 2 acre park from LASD for $20 million from the 11.65 acres we plan to purchase from Federal Realty. The plan has always been that the City of Mountain View purchases these 2 acres. Mountain View and LASD will work together to determine which of the 2 acres of the 11.65 acres it will be. This is a discussion item and the agreement can be found under agenda item H.8. Next up, Jeff Baier will present modifications made to the scope of work for the Community Engagement Process that LASD engaged with MIG to facilitate relating to long term facilities solutions with Bullis Charter School. This a discussion item and presentation outlining updates can be found under agenda item H.9. The Board has been asked to discuss further and add anymore direction needed so that the process can kick off smoothly and immediately. If you thought the night was over, you were wrong... Next up Jeff Baier will discuss the Transitional Kindergarten Program for next year. This is a discussion item. Jeff will discuss the fact that lower enrollment in TK led to LASD providing 3 TKs instead of 4 and the factors that determined which 3 TK classrooms stayed. The Board will then have a chance to ask questions about the process. After a brief reprieve, Randy will next present 7 leases with the various after school daycare providers at the elementary schools across the district (Consideration of Approval of Findings and Amendments to Joint Use Agreement). This is an action item and the leases can be found under agenda item H.11. The Board is asked to approve the seven leases that include a renewal to July 2022, updated rent and a mechanism to appraise what market rent would be in order to ensure LASD is renting these spaces at a market rate. Next, Jeff will present Amendments to 2018-22 Employment Agreements with the the Superintendent of Schools and the Assistant Superintendents. This is an action item and the amendments can be found under agenda items H.12, H.13 and H.14. The Board is asked to approve these amendments that include a 2.5% cost of living salary increase for the 2019/20 school year. Additionally, the Board is asked to approve similar salary adjustments for principals and other non-represented employee groups across the district. The salary schedule the Board is asked to approve can be found under agenda item H.15. Lastly, the Board is asked to approve a Resolution for Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators. The resolution can be found under agenda item H.16. The Board is asked to approve a resolution like this every summer to ensure we can meet our hiring needs by giving the District the ability to hire those teachers on there way to certification, but not 100% done. Please note, this is just the highlights of what is on the agenda for the 6/10//2019 meeting. You can inform yourself about the rest of the agenda at the link provided above. As always, feel free to email me with any questions. The 6/3/19 closed session begins at 5:00pm. The board will reconvene for open session starting around 7pm in the LASD Board Room. The entire agenda and supporting documentation can be found here.
Before progressing into normal business, we will start the evening Recognizing Retiring Employees of the district for their many years of service. At the close of the school year we will be losing the beloved Ann Baum, Jean Benedict, Silvia Colombetti, Betty Gist, Susie Greenwald, Tami Hansen, Gaye Harte, Suzanne Horn, Nancy McSweeney, Corinne Nohejl, Leslie Rainforth, Janet Taylor, Liz Tomkins and Karen Van De Vanter. Thanks so much to these employees for the difference in each and every child's life they came in contact with. LASD would not be one of the best districts in the state without their service. Next, Springer School, led by Robin Robinson will present how Springer is using technology as a tool in the classroom. Springer will be last school presentation of the school year. I really look forward to each and every school presentation to learn more about each school community. We have another long meeting ahead of us otherwise. The end of the school year means the board has a lot of procedural/governance requirements to review and approve to ensure the district is prepared for the next school year (and many years to come). First up, Erin Green will present about the various Communication Initiatives instituted this school year across the district. This is a discussion item and no action will be taken. The presentation can be found under agenda item I.1 using the link provided above. The communication initiatives include district wide and school level communications. I look forward to Ms. Green's presentation. Next, Sarah Stern-Benoit will present the results of a Communications Survey conducted this Spring. This is a discussion item and the presentation can be found under agenda item I.2. This survey will drive the direction the District and schools communicate with parents and the community as a whole including frequency and medium used. Sandra McGonagle will next present about her team's work in Math Alignment in LASD. This is a discussion item and her presentation can be found under agenda item I.3. Her presentation outlines improvements to the curriculum and practices of our teachers as it relates to the Math program that will be put in place in the next year to ensure that math instruction is aligned across the district. While Randy had all the fun last week, Sandra gets to the limelight this week. Sandra, will next present the 2019-20 Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) Budget Overview for Parents. This is a discussion item and the document can be found under agenda item I.4. The best way to describe this document is that it is a cheat sheet as to how the district receives and spends its money for instruction. This is a document required by the state. Next up, Sandra will finish her streak by presenting the 2019/20 Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). This is another required document. This is a discussion item and her presentation and the document can be found under agenda item I.5. The document goes over LASD's Mission, Vision and its LCAP goals and results. LASD's Mission is to inspire a passion for learning and prepare all K-8 students to thrive in our rapidly changing global community. LASD's Vision is to be a leader in revolutionizing learning for all students. To meet the mission and vision, the following are LASD's goals:
The LCAP outlines how we have been doing on these goals so far and details on how we plan to improve even more. Like our students, LASD teachers and administrators are life long learners and are constantly course correcting to make sure LASD students individual learning needs are met. Randy will next present the 2019/20 District Budget. This is yet another required document. This is a discussion item and his presentation and the budget can be found under agenda item I.6. The budget outlines expected revenues and expenditures for next year. If you have an extra hour or 10, I recommend you read it to familiarize yourself of the ins and outs of the financial realities of LASD Speaking of financial realities, next up, Randy will present a Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes (TRAN). Every year, LASD passes one of these resolutions (as do many districts) to be able to pay all our bills before we get the property and parcel tax revenues we expect to receive once people start paying their property tax bills in early November. This is an action item and the resolution can be found under agenda item I.7. Randy asks that we approve this resolution so that LASD can keep the lights on and employees paid (among many, many other things). Last up, Jeff will present suggested Board Policy Updates regarding sexual harassment. This is a discussion item and the board policy changes can be found under agenda item I.8. This policy reflects new law and relates to work place sexual harassment and requirements surrounding implementation of the law. Please note, this is just the highlights of what is on the agenda for the 6/3//2019 meeting. You can inform yourself about the rest of the agenda at the link provided above. As always, feel free to email me with any questions. |
Jessica SpeiserThanks to your support, I joined the Los Altos School District (LASD) Board of Trustees in December 2016. I finished my tenure as Board President after serving as such from December 2018 to December 2019. I am currently Board Vice President. As usual, I will use this blog to continue updating you on upcoming Board meetings and make you aware of upcoming office hours and community events. Archives
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