The Tuesday, June 8, 2021, LASD Board meeting will start its open session at 7:00pm and it will be held using the Zoom webinar platform. To register in advance for the meeting, click here. The entire agenda and supporting documentation for this week's meeting can be found here.
First up on the agenda, Sandra McGonagle will present a Preliminary Update on Local Assessments. This is a discussion item and her presentation can be found under agenda item H.1 using the link above. The presentation shares high level iReady data for English Language Arts for grade 3-8, iReady data for Math for grades 3-4, and MDTP data for grades 5-8. To make a long story short, while we don't have perfect apples to apples data, the data shows that our students are learning and performing at the same levels they had pre-pandemic. That being said, there will be more detailed data shared in August and more work done by the Curriculum and Instruction Department focusing on early identification and intervention on struggling students and support for this across all schools. Next, Sandra will present LASD's Local Indicators for the California Dashboard. This is a discussion item and her presentation can be found under agenda H.2. The Dashboard was limited this year by the pandemic and is only relying on local input from school districts. It is important to note, the local metrics are about process and not status. That is to say, the question is "has the district done an analysis of the metric?" and not "how has the district done on the metric?" LASD has "Met" all the local indicators in California's Eight Priority Areas. Then, Sandra will present the 2021-22 Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Federal Addendum, 2020-21 Annual Update, 2021-22 Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) Budget Overview for Parents, and the 2021-22 LCAP. These are action Items and her presentation and supporting documentation can be found under agenda H.3 through H.6. Besides the LCAP Federal Addendum, all of these were presented last week for Public Hearing and board comment. Sandra is asking that we approve all the documentation to be filed with the state and federal government. In short, these documents highlight LASD's goals, how we plan to reach those goals, and how the budget will support those goals. Randy will next present the 2021-22 District Budget. This is an action item and Randy's presentation and the budget can be found under agenda item H.7. As explained in last week's blog post, the budget relies on the following key assumptions: (1) the county assessor is fairly confident that will see a 4% increase in property tax revenue over the current year, and the same for 22-23 year, (2) BCS will likely get $640,000 of our parcel tax revenues, (3) all COVID monies received are assumed to be one time allotments, (4) the Governor's May Revise includes little to no financial relief for our district (because we are a basic aid/community funded district), (5) LASD expects 6 fewer teachers for next year, and, (6) a 2% contracted for raise for teachers and staff, among many other things. The Board is asked to approve this budget. Jeff will then present a Public Notice of District Proposed Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) Regarding Increased Compensation for the Los Altos Teachers Association and the CSEA (the Staff Union). This is a discussion item and the MOUs can be found under agenda items H.8 and H.9. The district is proposing a $1,000 per FTE (full time equivalent) off schedule payment to all employees "in recognition of the their efforts and responses to the unique challenges of continuing to provide excellent educational services to students in the midst of the pandemic during the 2020-21 school year." Additionally, the district is proposing an additional 5% salary increase (on top of the agreed upon 2%) to all employees for the 2021-22 school year. The Measure N Citizens Oversight Committee (COC) Annual Report is next on the agenda. This an action item and their report and the District's auditor's report on the same can be found under agenda H.10. The COC is tasked with ensuring the District is spending Measure N bond funds according to the Measure N bond language. The COC has found that LASD spent Measure N Bond Fund Expenditures for the 2019-20 year "in accordance with the voter-approved bond measure spending requirements." The Board is asked to approve this report and the audit. Then, Randy will present a Resolution Awarding Contract for Procurement and Installation of Specialized Technology Equipment. This is an action item and the resolution, recommendation from LASD's energy consultant, expected budget, and draft agreement with vendor can be found under agenda item H.11. The Board is asked to approve this resolution to enter into a contract for the purchase and installation of HVAC system controls for three schools sites. At a prior board meeting, we approved issuing an RFP to get quotes for this work. This is for HVAC systems at Almond, Springer and Egan that were replaced recently and that did not have central/remote controls installed at the time. Next, Jeff will present 2020-23 Employment Agreements with the Superintendent of Schools, and the Assistant Superintendents of Schools. This is an action item and their agreements can be found under agenda item H.12 through H.14. When the teachers and staff receive a negotiated salary increase, our superintendent and his assistant superintendents also receive the same percentage salary increase. The Board is asked to approve these agreements. Lastly, Jeff will present a Resolution of Declaration of Need for Qualified Educators. This is an action item and the resolution and supporting documentation can be found under agenda H.15. The Board is asked to approve this resolution so that the district has the flexibility to hire employees with emergency permits. Please note, this is just the highlights of what is on the agenda for the 6/8/21 meeting. You can inform yourself about the rest of the agenda at the link provided above. As always, feel free to email me with any questions.
Jessica SpeiserThanks to your support, I joined the Los Altos School District (LASD) Board of Trustees in December 2016. I finished my tenure as Board President after serving as such from December 2018 to December 2019. I am currently Board Vice President. As usual, I will use this blog to continue updating you on upcoming Board meetings and make you aware of upcoming office hours and community events. Archives
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