The Monday, August 22, 2022, LASD Board meeting will start its open session at 7:00pm and contemporaneous public comments may only be made in person in the LASD Board Room. If you plan to participate in person, wearing a mask is recommended in accordance with CDPH guidelines. We will continue to use the Zoom webinar platform for community members to follow our meetings at home, but public comment will not be allowed on it. If you cannot attend in person, and have a comment that you would like the LASD Board to consider in its decision making, please email all of us at [email protected] by 5pm on Saturday, 8/20/22. To register to watch the board meeting from the comfort of your home, click here. The entire agenda and supporting documentation for this week's meeting can be found here.
First up on the agenda, Superintendent Sandra McGonagle will give a School Opening Update. This is a discussion item and her presentation can be found under agenda item H.1. The beginning of this school year was marked by a return to normalcy with back to school community events planned for all schools and students so happy to see one another again. Next, Dr. Carrie Bosco and Greg Drummond will present a Spring Student Data Review. This is a discussion item and their presentation can be found under agenda item H.2. The presentation outlines reading level scores for students in grades K-8 at the close of the school year with some comparison data (showing improvement) as to how they started in the Fall. Then, Carrie will introduce Claire Griffin to give a Summer Academy Report. This is a discussion item and her presentation can be found under agenda item H.3. At its high water mark, the Summer Academy had 148 students enrolled. Students got more tailored instruction in reading and writing, math, and STEM, and, were offered free after school care. Parents received communications of their student's progression and their principals for the 22/23 school year received a progress update for each students. There were great strides made by the students, but we do not currently have an apples to apples data comparison as of yet. Eric Walukiewicz (pronounced Wall ohh kev itch) will next present a Food Services Update. This is a discussion item and his presentation can be found under agenda item H.4. Thanks to a mandate and some funding from the State of California, LASD and all CA public schools are starting off the school year with with free breakfasts and lunches. As LASD did not have the infrastructure, we sourced the provision of meals to an outside vendor, renovated our kitchens to create serveries this summer to serve meals according to state code, and hired and trained new staff and volunteers across the district to hand out the meals. Carrie will then give a Curriculum & Instruction Summer Update. This is a discussion item and her presentation can be found under agenda item H.5. One big update is that we have a new Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction: Dr. Carrie Bosco! During the summer our teachers and staff participated in a whole host of professional development opportunities, including, but not limited to, learning about best instructional methods in reading and writing and math, prepping TK teachers on the new state pedagogical requirements, and training teachers on LASD's newly adopted science curriculum (Twig). Next, the Board is asked to Consider to Adopt Findings and Ratify Amendments to a Joint Use Agreement with Stepping Stones Preschool. This is an action item and the amendments can be found under agenda items H.6 and H.7. The Board is asked to approve these amendments to our lease agreement with Stepping Stones Preschool that is located on the Covington Elementary School campus. The first (second to agreement) amendment extends a prior agreement until 8/31/22 (end of this month). The other amendment extends the agreement to 10/31/22 to allow both parties time to negotiate a longer agreement. Last, but definitely not least, the Board is asked to approve a Second Addendum to the Agreement Between Los Altos School District and Bullis Charter School for a Two-Year Charter School Facilities Solution. This is an action item and the Addendum the Board is asked to approve can be found under agenda item H.8. LASD's agreement with BCS was set to expire on June 30, 2023. This addendum would extend the agreement to June 30, 2025. The only other material change is that it gives BCS the right to ask for additional space and for us to negotiate the same if the need arises. It is important to note, without this addendum, a Prop 39 process would start on November 1, 2022 with a facilities request from BCS. Please note, this is just the highlights of what is on the agenda for the 8/22/22 meeting. You can inform yourself about the rest of the agenda at the link provided above. As always, feel free to email me with any questions.
The Monday, August 8, 2022, LASD Board meeting will start its open session at 7:00pm and contemporaneous public comments may only be made in person in the LASD Board Room. If you plan to participate in person, wearing a mask is recommended in accordance with CDPH guidelines. We will continue to use the Zoom webinar platform for community members to follow our meetings at home, but public comment will not be allowed on it. If you cannot attend in person, and have a comment that you would like the LASD Board to consider in its decision making, please email all of us at [email protected] by 5pm on Saturday, 8/6/22. To register to watch the board meeting from the comfort of your home, click here. The entire agenda and supporting documentation for this week's meeting can be found here.
First up, new Superintendent, Sandra McGonagle (but not new to the District or boardroom) and new Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, Erik Walukiewicz, will present a report on 2022-23 School Preparations. This is a discussion item and their presentation can be found under agenda H.1 using the agenda link provided above. As it relates to COVID Safety, LASD has updated its COVID Safe School Plan in accordance with updated California Department of Public Health (CDPH) guidelines. The short of it is that CDPH is prioritizing in person instruction and COVID mitigations strategies including vaccinations, ventilation, masking, antigen testing, and reporting to slow the spread of the disease and keep schools open. Vaccinations and boosters (if available to age group) are recommended. Masks are recommended inside, but are no longer required. PCR pooled testing will no longer be offered, but antigen tests will be available for symptomatic individuals and for every student and staff members returning from school breaks. As such, LASD will distribute antigen tests August 14 from 12-2 at Santa Rita, Covington, and Oak. Tracking will continue on the LASD COVID dashboard. There will only be close contact notifications to groups when there is elevated exposures or when there is 3 or more related cases. On the Facilities side of things, there were several summer projects including technology upgrades (computers for staff and students and network improvement), phone system upgrades, deep cleaning, flooring projects, and parking lot striping. Next, Erik will give us a 2022-23 State Budget Update. This is a discussion item and Erik's presentation can be found under agenda item H.2. As in prior budgets, while state funded (LCFF) districts received record highs in funding, basic aid districts (those that rely on property taxes) like our own will only receive some one time funding and other categorial on-going funding. The good news is that we will receive an increased per student allotment for Special Education, $2.1 million in one time funds for arts, music, and instructional materials, $1.1 million in one time funds for learning recovery, and just under $700,000 in on-going funding for the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program. Then, Erik will present Amendments to Joint Use Agreements with our elementary school on site after school childcare providers. This is an action item and all 7 amendments can be found under agenda H.3. These agreements are renewals to prior agreements and include the rent to be charged for each provider and an expectation that a fair market value rent will be researched and charged for in the next renewal in July 2023. Erik will next present a Gardner Bullis Shade Structure Site Improvement request and Architectural Services Agreement for the same. These are action items and the request and agreement can be found under agenda items H.4 and H.5. The Board is asked to approve this improvement and the agreement with the District architect to submit to the state for approval. The Gardner Bullis PTA, through their own fundraising efforts, will pay for this improvement and any additional cost associated with it. In addition to a shade structure outside the library, they also want to plant more trees around campus for shade. Last, but not least, Erik will present a Resolution Appointing Representative to the South Bay Area Schools Insurance Authority. This is an action item and the resolution the Board is asked to approve can be found under agenda item H.6. With staff changes and general bureaucracy, we need to pass this resolution to appoint Erik to be our representative on this authority (that we participate in for our property and liability insurance) and our new Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, Carrie Bosco, as his alternate. Please note, this is just the highlights of what is on the agenda for the 8/8/22 meeting. You can inform yourself about the rest of the agenda at the link provided above. As always, feel free to email me with any questions. |
Jessica SpeiserThanks to your support, I joined the Los Altos School District (LASD) Board of Trustees in December 2016. I finished my tenure as Board President after serving as such from December 2018 to December 2019. I am currently Board Vice President. As usual, I will use this blog to continue updating you on upcoming Board meetings and make you aware of upcoming office hours and community events. Archives
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