The Monday, November 1, 2021, LASD Board meeting will start its open session at 7:00pm and public participation will continue to happen using the Zoom webinar platform. The LASD Board will be meeting physically together following COVID safe protocols in the LASD Board Room. To register in advance for the meeting, click here. The entire agenda and supporting documentation for this week's meeting can be found here.
First up on the agenda, Jeff Baier will present a Remote Public Meetings Update. This is an action item and there is no presentation attached under agenda H.1. As mentioned in a prior update, in March 2020, the Governor declared a state of emergency and executed an Executive Order allowing for suspension of certain Brown Act requirements, thus allowing for remote meetings. AB 361 suspends and supplants that Executive Order. AB 361 allows for remote meetings and same suspensions of the Brown Act that the Executive Order allowed WHEN (1) a state of emergency has been declared AND (2) one of the following has happened: (A) state or local officials recommend social distancing measures, or (B) local agency (LASD BOARD) determines meeting in person would present "imminent risks to the health or safety of attendees." On September 21, 2021, Santa Clara County Public Health Department recommended (and still recommends) that public bodies continue to meet remotely and the State of California is still in a state of emergency. AB 361 requires that any given governing body make specified findings regarding (1) and (2) above and to make those findings every 30 days thereafter, in order to continue to meet under abbreviated teleconferencing procedures. It has been roughly 30 days after we last made "specified findings," therefore, Jeff asks that we do so again. Next up, we will receive a Mental Health Update from Carol Melberg of Community Health Awareness Council (CHAC) and LASD staff members Jennifer Keicher and Erin Green. This is a discussion item and their respective presentations can be found under agenda H.2. CHAC partnered with LASD to pilot an arts based social emotional curriculum for all TK-8th grade students called Back Together. The curriculum engages students in art and play to help them (1) increase resilience, (2) reduce anxieties, (3) strengthen connections, and (4) increase focus. LASD's 5-8th graders have completed the program and our TK-4th graders are currently engaging in the program. We will also get an update from LASD staff members regarding other data and actions we have taken regarding mental health across our schools. Sandra McGonagle will then present an update on LASD's Multi-Tiered System Support (MTSS). This is a discussion item and her presentation can be found under agenda item H.3. The MTSS comes into play to make sure all students are getting the help they need to learn. The first step is Investigation (assessment to determine knowledge and skill deficits). The second step is to Decide what evidence-based interventions will meet this student's need. The third step is Implementation of those interventions. Lastly, the fourth step is Monitoring Progress to see how and if the student is edging to proficiency (which usually involves assessments and going back to Investigation). Across the District, all schools and all teachers assessed (Investigated) students at all grade levels with the same assessments. Using that data, teachers are Deciding and Implementing interventions based on the students specific needs and then Monitoring Progress, to see if any more interventions are required. Next, Randy Kenyon will give a 10th Site Master Planning Update. This is a discussion item and there is no presentation found under agenda H.4. Randy will be giving a report on the Mountain View City Council's deliberation of the 2 acre city park and their understanding of master planning of the joint use of fields and gym. Then, Randy will present LASD's incredibly exciting Actuarial Valuation of Retiree Health Benefits Liability. This is a discussion item and Randy's presentation can be found under agenda item H.5. Every 2 years the District is required to get an actuarial study of its liability for retiree health benefits and our last one was done 2 years ago. The present value of our future benefits to retired employees is $35.6 million and our unfunded liability (portion that has already been earned) is $18.4 million. Randy will next give an update on the Sharing of Parcel Tax Proceeds with Bullis Charter School. This is an action item and BCS's "written report accounting for its expenditures of parcel tax proceeds" can be found under agenda item H.6. The Board is asked to determine whether BCS expended its share of the parcel tax as required by the letter of Measure GG. As if Randy has nothing else to do, he will then ask for Appointments to Measure N Citizens Oversight Committee (COC). This is an action item and the applications of two citizens can be found under agenda H.7. The COC is tasked with ensuring the District is spending Measure N bond funds according to the Measure N bond language. And not to be left out, Randy is also asking for an Appointment to the Citizens Advisory Committee for Finance (CACF). This is also an action item and the one application can be found under agenda item H.8. CACF is officially the District's oversight entity for how we spend our parcel taxes. Unofficially, they are a whole lot more. CACF advises the Board and Randy Kenyon on the best ways to expend (or not expend) our resources in the best interests of the fiscal health of LASD. Last, but definitely not least, the Board has another round of Board Policy Updates and Deletions to discuss. The Board Policies and Deletions can be found under agenda items H.9 and H.10, respectively. As stated in prior updates, the California School Boards Association (CSBA) frequently advises local school districts on updates and deletions to board policies, bylaws and regulations based on recent changes to Federal and California state law and regulations and our Board is gradually going through a backlog of such updates. Please note, this is just the highlights of what is on the agenda for the 11/1/21 meeting. You can inform yourself about the rest of the agenda at the link provided above. As always, feel free to email me with any questions.
The Monday, October 18, 2021, LASD Board meeting will start its open session at 7:00pm and public participation will continue to happen using the Zoom webinar platform. The LASD Board will be meeting physically together following COVID safe protocols in the LASD Board Room. To register in advance for the meeting, click here. The entire agenda and supporting documentation for this week's meeting can be found here.
First up, Jeffrey Baier will present a Pooled Testing Update. This is a discussion item and his presentation can be found under agenda item H.1. The opt in pooled testing program has 77-93% participation rate in our elementary schools and a just over 60% participation rate at our junior highs. We have had 2 positive pool tests so far, with no spread in the pools as of yet (that is to say, no additional positives from the follow up response testing). Next up, Elizabeth Leach will present the Spring Alternate Assessment Update. This is a discussion item and her presentation can be found under agenda H.2. The presentation includes overall results for all grade levels and disaggregated data for special populations of students including English Language Learners, Special Education Students and low socioeconomic students. Overall, the data seems shows no learning loss as a result of the 2020-21 school year, but we do not have apples to apples data comparisons from the 19/20 or 18/20 school year because different assessments were used. Then, Sandra McGonagle will present LASD's Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Plan III. This is an action item and Sandra's presentation and the ESSER III Expenditure Plan can be found under agenda item H.3. The plan outlines how LASD will expend federal monies "to address students’ academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs, as well as any opportunity gaps that existed before, and were worsened by, the COVID-19 pandemic." The plan itemizes how LASD will expend monies on continuous and safe in-person learning, addressing impact of lost instructional time, and technological updates to allow for equitable access. The Board is asked to approve this expenditure plan. Board President Vaishali Sirkay will next present two Resolutions in Appreciation for Outstanding Services on the Citizens Advisory Committee for Finance and in Appreciation for Outstanding Public Service on the Measure N Citizens Oversight Committee to retiring committee members. This is an action item and the Board is asked to approve the resolutions found under agenda items H.4 and H.5 in recognition of the exemplary services of the committee members. Last, but not least, the Board has yet another round of Board Policy Updates to discuss. The Board Policies can be found under agenda H.6. As stated in prior updates, the California School Boards Association (CSBA) frequently advises local school districts on updates and deletions to board policies, bylaws and regulations based on recent changes to Federal and California state law and regulations and our Board is gradually going through a backlog of such updates. Please note, this is just the highlights of what is on the agenda for the 10/18/21 meeting. You can inform yourself about the rest of the agenda at the link provided above. As always, feel free to email me with any questions. |
Jessica SpeiserThanks to your support, I joined the Los Altos School District (LASD) Board of Trustees in December 2016. I finished my tenure as Board President after serving as such from December 2018 to December 2019. I am currently Board Vice President. As usual, I will use this blog to continue updating you on upcoming Board meetings and make you aware of upcoming office hours and community events. Archives
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