The Monday, November 6, 2023, LASD Board meeting will start its open session at 7:00pm and contemporaneous public comments may only be made in person in the LASD Board Room. We use the Zoom webinar platform for community members to follow our meetings at home. If you cannot attend in person, and have a comment that you would like the LASD Board to consider in its decision making, please email all of us at [email protected]. To register to watch the board meeting from the comfort of your home, click here. The entire agenda and supporting documentation for this week's meeting can be found here.
Before we get started with regular business, every year we have representatives from each and every LASD school present at board meetings throughout the year. Springer will kick it off by sharing information on their Ambassadors program. First up on regular business, Erik Walukiewicz will present Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP) Childcare Agreements. This is an action item and the agreements with Champions, Children's House and YMCA can be found under agenda item I.1 using the link provided above. The Board is asked to approve these agreements for these childcare agencies to provide after school care to LASD's ELOP students. ELOP students are those who are English learners, eligible for free or reduced-price meals, or are foster youths, as identified by the District. ELOP is a CA state requirement and the District is reimbursed (for now) for providing these services (either directly or indirectly). Next, Erik will present an Amendment to a Joint Use Agreement with Champions located at Covington Elementary School. This is an action item and the agreement can be found under agenda item I.2. Champions provides after school care at Covington and this agreement is to rent them more space in order to offer more spots of after school care. The Board is asked approve this agreement. Then, Erik will present Oak School Building Repair Project Contract. This is an action item and the contract can be found under agenda item I.3. During last winter's wind storms a tree fell on an Oak classroom. This contract is for the repair to the building/classroom. The Board is asked to approve this contract with Ron Paris Construction for the repair work. LASD's insurance will be paying for the repairs. Erik will then present a Contract for Inspector of Record for Oak School Repair Project. This is an action item and the contract can be found under agenda I.4. As part of the Oak School repair, the CA Division of State Architect (DSA) requires LASD to hire a DSA approved inspector to inspect the repair for the duration of the repair. The Board is asked to approve this contract with RPH & Associates. Erik will next present an Agreement with City of Los Altos for Junior High After School Sports Program. This is an action item and the agreement can be found under agenda item I.5. LASD and the City of Los Altos have already had a version of this agreement in place for the City to manage after school sports at our Junior Highs. This agreement updates/renews that agreement. Last, but not least, the Sandra McGonagle will ask the Board to Establish a Date of Annual Board Organizational Meeting. This is an action item. Every year the Board has a reorganizational meeting where it determines the officers of the board (President, Vice President and Clerk) and on election years, swears in newly (re)elected members. The Board is asked to approve December 4, 2023 as the date for its Annual Board Organizational Meeting. Please note, this is just the highlights of what is on the agenda for the 11/6/23 meeting. You can inform yourself about the rest of the agenda at the link provided above. As always, feel free to email me with any questions.
Jessica SpeiserThanks to your support, I joined the Los Altos School District (LASD) Board of Trustees in December 2016. I finished my tenure as Board President after serving as such from December 2018 to December 2019. I am currently Board Vice President. As usual, I will use this blog to continue updating you on upcoming Board meetings and make you aware of upcoming office hours and community events. Archives
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