Mark your calendars and come join me for one or all of my LASD Board Office Hours for the rest of the school year. I will alternate between the Rancho Shopping Center Starbucks and San Antonio Center Starbucks. On these dates I will be there to listen to any concerns you have about LASD and answer any questions you may have about the same. I look forward to speaking with you and having a constructive dialog.
The closed session for our 12/16/19 meeting begins at 6:00pm. The board will reconvene for open session starting around 6pm in the LASD Board Room. The entire agenda and supporting documentation can be found here.
First up, the Board commences its Annual Organization. Every December, the Board elects a new President, Vice President and Clerk. The president manages the meetings and is the figurehead of the entire Board. The vice president is there in a clutch when the president can't fulfill his or her duties. Lastly, the clerk signs a lot of stuff (board minutes, once approved, and resolutions, with the president, among other things). After this election, the Board plays musical chairs and ends up in the chairs they will occupy for the next year, If all goes well, there will be a new board president to take my seat (and I will go eat bon bons in the corner). That new Board President will take over and manage the rest of the meeting. Next up, the newly reorganized Board is asked to approve the Board Procedures for the coming year. They can be found under agenda item E.4 using the agenda link provided above, This is an action item and the Board is asked to approve them. This is a standard document with some standard operating procedures and a calendar of legally required agenda items for the coming year. Then, the Board will discuss Board Committees and Appointments for 2020. This is a discussion item and a list of the 2019 appointments is provided under agenda item E.5 as a starting point for the Board's discussion. No action will be taken on this item this time. Board members will mull it over and will take action at the next meeting in the new year. Every year, representatives from each LASD school present at a board meeting. Covington, led by Principal Wade Spenader, will share with the Board Covington's First Grade Marketplace Simulation. These presentations are always a highlight for the Board, reminding us on a regular basis why we are committed to serve the Los Altos School District community. Superintendent Baier will then present the Community Engagement Process Update with the help of LASD's Director of Communications, Sarah Stern-Benoit. This is a discussion item and the presentation can be found under agenda item J.1. The final report from MIG (the public engagement process consultant) is set for our January 27, 2020 meeting. The Board is asked to give direction to staff and MIG as to what else they would like to see from the report to aid in MIG's preparation of the report. While the official process has finished, the community engagement process is far from over. In the new year, the Board plans to publicly and regularly discuss facilities solutions for the District and the charter school, in normal and specially scheduled meetings, with hopes of having a resolution by the end of the school year. Next, Randy Kenyon will present the 10th Site Update. This is a discussion item and his presentation can be found under agenda item J.2. Spoiler alert: the District closed escrow on the purchase of the 10th site located at the corner of California and Showers in Mountain View on Wednesday December 11th. Special thanks go to the City of Mountain for their partnership in this endeavor and Randy Kenyon and team for all their hard work in this matter, Randy will then present the 1st Interim Financial Report. This is an action item and Randy's presentation and the 1st Interim Financial Report can be found under agenda item J.3. The report shows our actual interim financial position as of 10/31/19 and compares that to the budget we approved in June. The Board is asked to review and approve this report. The short story of the report is that the District is projected to meet its financial obligation for the rest of this year and the next 2 years, but we have some challenges ahead. Our budget margins are thin and we are still deficit spending, dipping into our already low reserves. The economy is still growing, but it is slowing and our teacher compensation for entry level positions is below average. Our facilities are aging, BCS enrollment growth directly effects our bottom line and we have limited resources to continue to provide our teachers with the professional development needed to help them shape our 21st century learners. Randy asks the Board to direct staff to pay off 2 capital leases of portable classrooms and add $300,000 to the Deferred Maintenance Fund using proceeds from the recently issued bond instead of relying on general operating budget to ease some of our challenges. If Randy, thought he was done, he was dead wrong. Next, he presents the 2020-21 Negotiating Interests of the Los Altos Teachers Association (LATA) and the District as we reopen contract negotiations this year. Both LATA's and the District's interests are found under agenda item J.4. This is an action item and the Board is asked to approve the District's negotiation interests. The District's interest include focusing on the attraction and retention of high quality teachers and summer school operations. Then, Randy will give the Board an update on the Anti-Idling Initiative. This is a discussion item and no action will be taken. My understanding is that GreenTown Los Altos will be providing the District with the signs and the District will have to facilitate their installation. Next, Mr. Baier will present a Resolution Supporting Participation in Census 2020. This is an action item and the resolution is found under agenda item J.6. The census is very important to the District, any local agency, and the District's citizens. Nationally, a census happens every 10 years and determines not only how many House of Representatives members a state will be apportioned, but also determines how billions of federal funding will be distributed, among other things. Quite simply, every head in the Los Altos School District (young and old) and beyond needs to be counted! Last, but certainly not least, Mr. Baier will present Board Policy Update on Bullying, This is a discussion item and the board policy (and administrative regulations) update can be found under agenda item J.7. There is no real change to board policy other than to move much of the policy into the administrative regulations. The former tells you what the policy is and the latter tells you how to implement the policy. Please note, this is just the highlights of what is on the agenda for the 12/16/2019 meeting. You can inform yourself about the rest of the agenda at the link provided above. As always, feel free to email me with any questions. The LASD Board is having a special Study Session meeting on December 2, 2019 at 6pm in the District Board Room to specifically review an updated Facilities Master Plan. The agenda for this meeting can be found here. As this is special meeting and this is the only agenda item, public comment will only be allowed on this one matter. There will be no time set aside for community comments on items not already on the agenda.
At this meeting, Randy Kenyon and Lisa Gelfand (the District's architect) will present the updated draft of the Facilities Master Plan (first drafted in 2014). The board will be given the chance to ask questions, discuss the plan and provide direction to staff for next steps. This is a discussion item and no official action can be taken. The Board can only direct staff to get certain things done and/or bring back certain items for official actions at a later meeting. It is important to note that we are having this study session because 4 of the 5 board members, including myself, were not on the board in 2014 (the last time a Facilities Master Plan was discussed). In order for the Board to choose the best people suited for the Facilities Master Plan Committee and provide the most appropriate charge for said committee, it is best that the Board truly understands what a Facilities Master Plan entails first. Lisa and Randy's presentation and the updated draft of the Facilities Master Plan can be found using the agenda link provided above. The Facilities Master Plan envisions finding a permanent location for BCS, moving to a middle school model and updating facilities to ensure each, at least, meets current capacity and comport with regulations for schools built now (versus when the schools were built or last renovated). The Facilities Master Plan has the following goals:
The Facilities Master Plan includes in its Appendices the Strategic Enrollment Growth Task Force Final Report and the Facilities Advisory Committee Report that served to inform the goals of the plan. A common theme of both reports was to find a permanent solution to house BCS, either through a new site or through modifications to existing sites. Please note, this is just the highlights of presentation and the Plan. You can inform yourself about the rest of it at the link provided above. As always, feel free to email me with any questions. |
Jessica SpeiserThanks to your support, I joined the Los Altos School District (LASD) Board of Trustees in December 2016. I finished my tenure as Board President after serving as such from December 2018 to December 2019. I am currently Board Vice President. As usual, I will use this blog to continue updating you on upcoming Board meetings and make you aware of upcoming office hours and community events. Archives
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